Hey there! Thanks for visiting theburnwithin! Let me walk you through how this blog came about.
The date is 1st December 2010. I awoke from my slumber and made my way to the toilet, as I passed my gigantic dress mirror, I saw a man late into his 20′s who looks as if he had the body of a 45 year old! That image knocked some reality back into me. I’m going to be 30 in exactly 5 months 13 days and I haven’t been taking good care of my health and my body!
I decided to challenge myself by the end of April 2011, I am going into the studios and have myself photographed like those topless jeans model you find in magazines, just so I could remember the "glory days" and make fun of my fat grand children. Jokes aside, target weight should be somewhere around 72kgs – 73kgs.
I won’t restrict myself to a specific type of diet. I will continue and take my meals and not cut down on anything. The only way for me to actually burn those calories is to work extra hard on my weights and cardio.
I'm no fitness expert, I'm just a guy who believes that everyone can actually achieve this goal from the comfort of their own neighborhood without having to join expensive gyms.
I’ll be posting daily food intake and work out so that you, the readers can follow my progress!
I'm no fitness expert, I'm just a guy who believes that everyone can actually achieve this goal from the comfort of their own neighborhood without having to join expensive gyms.
I’ll be posting daily food intake and work out so that you, the readers can follow my progress!
Here are some vital statistics about myself :-
Age : 29
Height : 174cm
Weight : 99.2kgs
Height : 174cm
Weight : 99.2kgs
Drop a line every once in a while to cheer me on!